Comprehensive performance standards to guide high-quality development and placemaking
With strong economic growth, investment in transit, and a rapidly growing population, the City of Vaughan is facing the challenge of how to keep growing in a way that aligns with the City’s vision. The City-Wide Urban Design Guidelines provide a clear direction for growth that supports high-quality and context-sensitive development with Intensification Areas, while protecting Stable Areas through thoughtful transitions and infill that respects the character of established neighbourhoods.
The guidelines emphasize the extension of Vaughan’s existing natural heritage networks through enhanced landscaping that contributes to the City’s urban tree canopy and provides ecological services. The guidelines also ensure that intensification supports compelling, green, mixed use communities, active transportation, innovation in sustainability, social/cultural vibrancy, and a high-quality of life for Vaughan residents.
The document is effectively and graphically laid out, beginning with a table of contents colour-coded to match the relevant sections of the document. A section referring to the application of the guidelines ensures that users understand how the document is intended to be used in companion with the City of Vaughan Official Plan, other Secondary Plans, City Sustainability Performance Metrics, and other citywide implementation manuals. All performance standards are illustrated with drawings and precedent images that are highly annotated and complemented with text to explain the intent of the guidelines.