A vibrant master plan with strong community roots
The North Bay Downtown Waterfront Master Plan (DWMP) proposes improved connections between the downtown and the waterfront, acknowledges North Bay’s Indigenous communities, and creates new indoor and outdoor centres of activity that can support a vibrant downtown and waterfront. The findings of the study were guided by extensive consultation with Indigenous communities, youth, and the public. In total, over 2,000 points of contact were made with members of the community in and around North Bay throughout the study, which informed the Master Plan concepts and recommendations.
In addition to an urban design concept plan and streetscape improvement plan, the DWMP included design guidelines, official plan amendment and zoning recommendations, a market analysis, and a phased implementation approach to provide North Bay with the tools to carry this vision forward. The City of North Bay commissioned Brook McIlroy to undertake the study, which was completed over a 10-month process.