Say HELLO! BIENVENUE! in seventy Indigenous languages spoken throughout Canada. We are inspired by diversity, nature, social justice, and ecological integrity – and in these beautiful territories, we have the chance to get it right!
Our Story
In the year 2000, we started this practice with a dream to approach design and planning from a broad, holistic perspective. As architects, landscape architects, planners, and urban designers it was the only way we could address the complexity of communities, cities and the diverse, interconnected natural and human-made ecologies we inhabit.
That dream has brought together a diverse array of forty-plus talented people working from studios in Toronto, Thunder Bay, and Winnipeg:
- architects, landscape architects, artists, environmentalists, planners seamlessly working together;
- Indigenous designers from diverse backgrounds leading co-creation teams with non-Indigenous professionals whose families have come from all over the world;
- and young interns learning from this experience – while drawing us forward.
We work in the medium of the built and natural environments driven by a belief that we have been given an incredible gift in Canada, and an opportunity to get it right –to create environments where people can prosper and thrive while protecting the land, water, air and the other species that make life possible. This work is driven by a uniquely Canadian design ethos derived from research into place, diverse cultures, Indigenous world views, sustainability, natural materials, and the application of new technologies.
Communities / Client List
Over the years, Brook McIlroy has worked with a wide range ofpublic and private sector clients to address community needs at all levels. These clients have included municipalities; Indigenous communities and organizations; educational institutions, including primary and post-secondary; and public and private development and investment organizations.
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Brook McIlroy has been honoured with dozens of awards from professional organizations within Canada as well as internationally. These include top awards for the professions of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design/planning in Canada, with multiple awards from the Canadian Institute of Planners, the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects, and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada National Urban Design Awards. The awards reflect the firm’s reputation for innovation across disciplines, including a dozen awards for wood design; new approaches to the planning and design of waterfronts, campuses, and cities; and new ways of integrating Indigenous Peoples into the fabric of the urban environment.
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